Industrial long shelf-life filled Croissant factory from A to Z

Industrial long shelf-life filled Croissant factory from A to Z

FOODLine Co. just delivered another successful Turn-key project for the industrial production of long shelf-life filled croissants.

This particular project takes place in Central-East Europe. It is a new facility designed under state-of-the art hygienic standards, with a modern and sophisticated production line.

The plant is producing a wide series of 6months shelf-life croissant, foreseen to produce in-house several water-base fillings and jams.
One more satisfied customer is added within our clientele.
It’s only fair to claim that industrial pastry projects really is our expertise!!!

P.S.: The success story of this project is based in the use of mother-dough specially developed and designed by FOODLine Co., which will be extensively described in one of the next articles.